Day 4: Solution

On Saturday, I was discussing human trafficking with a friend, and like many conversations about human trafficking we concluded with this question "what are the solutions to human trafficking?" 

I do not know the correct answer and I'm not sure anyone does. However, I do believe that in order to combat human trafficking, there must be Awareness, Education, Coordination, and Collaboration. 

Awareness opens the door for conversation. Education can taught to everyone - all ages, genders, and cultures. Coordination is needed to bring everyone together, share knowledge on the subject, and learn about what is taking place in different communities to combat human trafficking.  Collaboration must include individuals, activists, teachers, parents, children, law enforcement, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations. 

Human trafficking is not bias; everyone should be aware of this issue!  

Day 3: What is Human Trafficking?

I realized that I have written about Human Trafficking, but have not defined it. The goal of today's post is to define human trafficking, using the U.S. Department of State's definition, as well as the United Nation's definition.  When defining human trafficking, most countries have their own definition, as does the United Nations. 

When defining trafficking, it must have one element from each of the three criteria: Process (act), Means, and Goal (purpose) (as seen below).

Process is: recruitment or transferring or transporting or harboring.  

Means include: threat or force or fraud or coercion or abduction

Goal = sex or labor or organ or prostitution or debt bondage or slavery or involuntary servitude or pornography. 

Day 2. Human Trafficking is a Business

Why is human trafficking appealing to pimps and gangs?

The answer is simple, the risk is relatively low and the profit margins are high. Human trafficking is a lucrative business due to a demand for sex, labor, and organs within the United States and International community.  Unlike weapon trafficking or narcotics, which are sold once, humans are sold multiple times (often in one day), increasing profit margin for the stakeholders.  Pimps and gangs have recognized the demand for these "products" and are supplying the market. 

Day 1. Influx of young immigrants at risk for trafficking

Luis Soto/AP via

Luis Soto/AP via

It seems as though they have come out of no where, a surge in young (undocumented) immigrants, children, braving threats most of us could never imagine to reach the United States in hopes of refuge and opportunity.

Communities and authorities are scrambling to figure out how to respond.

What I have heard very little about is the risk to these children of exploitation and trafficking once they land on US soil. They are vulnerable targets.