Day 64: Training is Just the Beginning

There is much to be said about those who are fighting human trafficking and I commend them for taking action! Human trafficking is not a new topic, but it is an evolving topic. There are many types of trafficking occurring everywhere. It is vital that we train first responders, teachers, healthcare officials, bus drivers, truckers, law enforcement, airport officials, flight attendants, and anyone else, including the public on how to recognize this hidden epidemic. Training is just the beginning, but it is a great start.  Applying the knowledge learned from training sessions is how the continued effort to combat trafficking will be successful. 


Day 60: Training Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement, also on the front lines of combating human trafficking, are sometimes the first people to come into contact with a trafficking victim. No matter what agency, Homeland Security, Special Victims Unit, Police Officers, or FBI, they have all worked at one point in time with a trafficking victim/survivor. It is extremely important to train law enforcement officials because human trafficking is "often misidentified as a more common and easily understood crime (e.g. prostitution, poor labor standards, sexual assault, pandering, etc)." In order to avoid misidentification, training is crucial. 

As of today, 29 of the 50 United States have legislative provisions that encourage or mandate human trafficking training for law enforcement officers. Find out if you State requires human trafficking training for your law enforcement! 

Day 61: Training Teachers

Why is it important to train our teachers on how to identify human trafficking?

Teachers spend a large amount of time with children! They know when a child is truant, they know when they are sick/how often, they meet their parents or guardians, and last but not least, they often become a trusted source. Teachers are on the front lines of fighting human trafficking. If teachers do not know the signs of trafficking, they can not help a potential student that may be a victim.

Polaris Project has released 6 Signs for Educators. If you are a teacher, please take the time to read this article. 

Day 59: Training TSA

TSA-Transportation Security Administration

The TSA is a branch of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and was created to strengthen security and ensure freedom of movement. Human trafficking often crosses borders, occurs in airports, or by other means of transportation, putting TSA agents on the front lines. In order to help combat human trafficking, TSA officials are trained on how to identify trafficking victims and effectively respond.

DHS started the Blue Campaign to help inform, educate, and train not only their employees and partners, but the public as well. To become a voice in the Blue Campaign or obtain resources, please visit their website:


Day 58: Training Medical Professionals

Human trafficking victims come into contact with health care professionals, law enforcement, airport officials, teachers, and counselors on a daily basis. Medical professionals, as well as other professionals are in a critical position to identify and effectively respond to trafficking victims. Identification and response is only valuable if professionals are trained!

Agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services are partnering with health care professionals and training them on identification and response procedures. If you or anyone you know is interested in training Polaris Project has great resources and references.  

You may also click on the link below to view the Safe Horizon Health Care Training PowerPoint.

Health Care Training PowerPoint