Day 134: Report Cards

The last report card I reviewed was in December 2013! It was the last report card I would review as a student because I successfully defended my Doctoral Dissertation and became a Dr. Parker.  While it may have been my last student report card, it was not the last report I would review. On November 6, 2014, Shared Hope International released the "2014 Protected Innocence Challenge State Grades."  This week and next week, I will look at and review several States and their grading. 

-I was shocked by my 2 State's Grades. How well did your State do?

Day 131: Educating the Australian Police

Education is key!

An education package was developed to help officers combat human trafficking in Victoria, Australia.  "The education package, one of the first in the world created by police, was developed by the Sex Industry Coordination Unit and their counterparts in the Australian Federal Police."  The police force will be trained on topics ranging from the sex industry, the manipulation of visas, domestic servitude, and much more. 

Does the police force in your city receive Human Trafficking training?

Day 130: Woman Arrested for Attempted HT

Human trafficking happens everywhere! Today, I take you to Suong City, a province in Tbong Khmum, Cambodia.  Vy Sreyneat, a 26-year-old female was arrested after she was discovered by police with a 14-year-old girl in her van. Vy Sreyneat was arrested on suspicion of human trafficking. The young girl's parents feared she had been trafficked and reported her missing.

Vy Sreyneat has not been found guilty.

Day 127: Ai WeiWei and Human Trafficking

Today, I traveled to Alcatraz to visit the Ai WeiWei @Large Exhibit. If you don't know who Ai WeiWei is, I highly recommend you learn about him at You are probably wondering what the two have in common. As I walked through the exhibit, each installation stood for freedom, justice, frustration, peace, and much more. While I was viewing each piece, I couldn't help but think about all of the victims of trafficking who are not free, who live in fear, and those who will never know peace again. Much like Ai WeiWei, victims of trafficking are not free. Ai once tasted freedom, and may again one day.

How many victims will become survivors and will have the chance to taste freedom? This is unknown, but each day I will continue to fight for those who can not speak for themselves. What are you doing to combat human trafficking?