Day 194: Governor Greg Abbott

Texas Legislature is back in session on Jan 13, 2015 and human trafficking will be the topic of many conversations. Many elected officials from the Republican and Democratic party agree that human trafficking is a problem in Texas. With that being said, those of you in Texas should research the upcoming bills and follow-up with your elected officials to find out what they are doing to combat human trafficking in your area! 

Day 193: Pope Francis

Pope Francis released his annual peace message requesting action to end human trafficking. "He reminded people of the brotherhood and commonality of all humankind and called for individuals, churches, businesses and government to ward off the apathy and complacency that drives unwitting complicity with those that commit such atrocities."
Additionally, he asks businesses to know their supply chain to reduce labor trafficking. 

It's nice to hear important figures in our community speaking out about the atrocities occurring around the world, and how the community can play a vital role in stopping human trafficking.