Day 93: HT Trends Part I

The National Human Trafficking Resource Center, a 24 hour national hotline call center, has reported that there were 9,298 possible  human trafficking cases between Dec. 7, 2007 and Dec. 31, 2012.  I do not want to bombard you with all of the trends in one post. Each day this week, I will provide one highlight from the report.

The first highlight: "41 percent of sex trafficking cases and 20 percent of labor trafficking cases involved U.S. citizens as victims." - NHTRC

Day 92: Getting the Word Out

Human Trafficking is everywhere!

With that being said, I am happy to see more and more communities stepping up and talking about human trafficking. Just yesterday, I was sifting through articles and came across 4 events taking place this week in different cities around the world. Talking about it is just the first step, the next step is taking action with our policy, education, and more. Please take time today and find out if there are any anti-human trafficking events taking place within or near your community. If not, consider hosting an event! 

Happy Sunday! 

Day 87: Do Sanctions work?

On September 19th, U.S. President Barak Obama decided not to impose sanctions against Malaysia and Thailand for failing to meet minimum standards in combating human trafficking. For two countries that were downgraded in the State Department's annual assessment this past June, why is the a lack of pressure on Malaysia and Thailand to change their standards?  If the U.S. were to impose sanctions, do you think they would work? 

Day 86: Connecting the Dots

Today, I'm taking us to a lovely destination known as Canada. Canada is home to hockey, French speaking natives, cold, and beautiful landscapes.  What many do not know, is it is also home to a large number of Aboriginal women and girls. Recently, an increase in missing and/or murdered Aboriginal females has occurred, and Canada has refused to inquire further about what may be taking place to these women. However, in a newly published report, the Public Safety Canada "sheds light on how many women and girls are forced into the sex trade by pimps acting as boyfriends, small, loosely defined gangs and even members of their own families." These women are easy prey because many of them have addictions, mental health issues, and/or are suffering from poverty! Hopefully with the release of this new report, Canada will begin asking questions and will start working on a strategy to eliminate this crisis. 


Day 85: 16

On this blog, I often speak about sex and/or labor trafficking, and forget to mention organ trafficking! Organ trafficking is just as important, and moving forward I will try to discuss this category of trafficking more. With that being said, I would like to introduce a FACT about ORGAN TRAFFICKING. 

FACT: Trafficking for Organ Removal has been detected in 16 countries around the world- UNODC  

Enjoy your Sunday!