Day 136: Louisiana Ratings

Highest Rating goes to Louisiana. Below you will find the broken down score.

Criminalization of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking - Score = 10 of 10

Criminal Provisions Addressing Demand - Score = 25 of 25

Criminal Provisions for Traffickers - Score = 15 of 15

Criminal Provisions for Facilitators - Score = 10 of 10

Protective Provisions for Child Victim - Score = 21 of 27.5

Criminal Justice Tools for Investigation and Prosecution - Score = 15 of 15

Day 135: Louisiana and Tennessee

What exactly did Shared Hope analyze before delivering their Protected Innocence Challenge Report? Shared Hope spoke with 297 organizations and compiled information pertaining to minors exploited through sex trafficking.  They narrowed the information by creating 4 categories:

1. Eliminating Demand; 2. Prosecuting Traffickers; 3. Identifying Victims; and 4. Providing Protection, access to services, and shelter for victims. 

The two highest (Best) ranking States are Tennessee and Louisiana. Tennessee scored a 94, while Louisiana scored 96.