Day 153: A Moment of Silence - No Friday Organization
Yesterday, we gave thanks. Today, please take a moment to be silent and remember everything you are grateful for.
After your moment of silence, please think about whether you will be silent about human trafficking or if you will raise your voice and help combat human trafficking!
Day 152: Thanksgiving
Today I would like you think about what you are thankful for, and to think about how you can make a difference in this world? The power of one is incredible! There are many ways you can positively impact another human being.
Today is a day when many of us have the opportunity to share in the company of our loved ones, yet there are many that do not get this option. Be thankful for every morning you wake, and every day you have freedom! Happy Thanksgiving!
Day 147: Quitting Is NOT an OPTION
Today I would like to provide a Letter written by the Founder of Courage Worldwide. The Founder, Jenny Williamson, wrote a wonderful letter describing the trials and tribulations most anti-human trafficking advocates endure and why the end results are worth much more than the up hill battles we often face.
A Letter: Quitting isn't an Option, by Jenny Williamson
Please understand – good is not perfect and good certainly doesn’t mean easy. All these memories, these experiences, were fought for by the girls and those of us who love and work with them. There are still long nights and difficult days as our girls mine their past for the lies and pain that are keeping them from their true identity and destiny. They have vowed not to quit and so have we.
The rodeo, Father’s Day and the baptisms all conspired to make me want to quit because of the good, because of these amazing young girls. They are my heroes. My daughters.
But my husband and God were right. How could I quit? There are so many more — more girls who are being held captive, who need to know there are good men out there, more who need a safe home and a loving family. Since the first of this year, we have said no to fifty-one girls who wanted to come home to Courage House because we don’t have the space … yet.
That makes quitting not an option for me, for us — what about you?
If you have prayed for us in the past — please don’t grow weary and quit! We believe a great harvest is coming as a direct result of prayer. We cannot do what we do without your prayers. If you would like to be one of monthly prayer partners, email us at and we will send you specific ways to pray each month or as needs arise.
If you have volunteered for us in the past but have stopped — will you do so again?
I am so sorry if you emailed or called us and we didn’t get back to you. Our staff is stretched so thin that we literally lack the resources to respond to every phone call or email. We need a volunteer to do just that!
I am so sorry if you volunteered and felt your efforts didn’t matter or that you weren’t appreciated. That is just not true. You matter. You being you matters. You being a champion of our cause and our girls matters – to them and to me. We cannot do what we have been called to do without you – to engage a million people, to build a 1000 homes in a 100 countries in 10 years so hundreds of thousands of children can be rescued from sex trafficking. This vision is going to take an army of committed individuals – it is going to take you. Please join us for our volunteer appreciation and 3 year celebration on September 2nd.
Please don’t quit. We have several big events coming up throughout the end of the year – two runs and a movie premier that we could use your help with. Email if you would like to re-engage, attend the celebration event, and/or volunteer appreciation reception or to help us bring more children home.
If you are in the Sacramento, California area we have orientations and trainings coming up in the next few weeks and months where you can find a good fit to volunteer. For more information, go
For those of you who have given financially in the past, please don’t quit. We must raise 70% of our budget every single month from donors just like you in order to keep the two Courage Houses open and full of girls. In addition, we need to raise $70,000 for water engineering and testing required by the county before October 1st so we can be issued our Minor Use Permit (MUP) to begin building more cottages that will allow us to bring more girls home. If we don’t have these tests done by October, we will have to wait another year (they must be done in the dry season) to begin building more homes on our property and bringing more girls home. If you want more information regarding our expansion plans email us at and we will send you a copy of our 2014/2015 business plan.
Please don’t stop giving. I hate saying no to children who have endured this type of trauma and pain and want to begin a new life at Courage House. The news media is confirming the lack of homes and services for rescued victims. Law enforcement sting operations are increasing and focused on recovering more child victims. Sadly, they just don’t have many options for placement.
Would you consider giving monthly? You can go to for a one-time gift or to set up monthly giving.
Please don’t quit caring, giving, praying and volunteering. Together we are making a difference.
Together we are changing the world one individual at a time; we have rodeos, Father’s Day and baptisms to prove it. We have girls who continue to be amazed that there are so many people who care and who have not quit. They are not quitting and neither am I.
Jenny Williamson, Founder/ CEO
Courage Worldwide™, Inc."
Day 146: Friday Organization
Friday Organization: Courage Worldwide